Same-Day Dental Crowns

If you're experiencing tooth pain or discomfort or have a damaged tooth, a dental crown may be the solution to restore your smile. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that goes on top of a damaged tooth. Its purpose is to restore the tooth’s shape, size, and strength. 

A dental crown is designed to last between 5 to 15 years. How you care for your teeth and the rate at which your teeth wear down will determine how long your dental crown will last.

The crown is cemented in place in order to ensure it is sturdy and safe. A dental crown will protect your teeth all the way down to the visible area around the gum line. 

Dental crowns are most commonly used when you have dental decay that is so advanced that a filling is inadequate. Dental crowns are also used to strengthen worn-down or damaged teeth. 

At Black Point Dental, we offer same-day dental crowns. This allows us to remove the damaged or decaying area of your tooth, use digital scans to create a replacement and install the dental crown all in the same appointment. Same-day dental appointments save you time and money.

At Black Point Dental, we can handle all your restorative dentistry needs.

Signs You Need a Dental Crown

A dental crown may be necessary if you have one of the following dental issues:

  • A large cavity that cannot be filled with a regular filling.
  • A cracked or broken tooth.
  • A tooth that has undergone a root canal.
  • A misshapen or discolored tooth.
  • A weakened tooth due to excessive wear and tear.

If you're experiencing any of the above issues, it's important to schedule an appointment with your dentist to determine if a same-day dental crown is the best solution for you.

Dental Crown Consultation

If you're considering a dental crown, scheduling a consultation with Black Point Dental in Honolulu is important. During the consultation, our dentist will examine your teeth and determine if a dental crown is the best solution for your dental needs.

We will also discuss the different types of crowns available and help you determine which material is best for your specific needs. Additionally, we will discuss the dental crown procedure and answer any questions you may have.

Traditional Dental Crown Process

The dental crown procedure typically takes place over two appointments. During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare the tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping it to fit the crown. Your dentist will also take an impression of the tooth to create a custom-fit crown.

Once the impression is taken, a temporary crown will be placed on the tooth to protect it until the permanent crown is ready. The impression is then sent to a dental lab to create your custom crown.

During the second appointment, your dentist will replace the temporary crown with the permanent one. Your dentist will ensure that the crown fits properly and is comfortable.

Same-Day Dental Crowns Process

Advancements in dental technology have led to the emergence of same-day dental crowns, also known as chairside or one-visit dental crowns. Here's what the process typically involves:

  1. Preparation: Similar to the traditional process, the dentist prepares the tooth by removing decay and reshaping it.
  2. Digital scanning: Instead of taking a physical impression, a 3D digital scan of the prepared tooth is taken using advanced imaging technology.
  3. On-site crown fabrication: The digital scan is sent to an on-site milling machine, which fabricates the crown from a solid block of ceramic material. This typically takes around an hour.
  4. Placement: The dentist checks the fit and appearance of the same day crown and makes any necessary adjustments before permanently bonding it to the prepared tooth.

By taking a 3D digital scan and an on-site milling machine, a new crown designed specifically for your mouth can be created and placed in your mouth all within the same appointment. 

Two Styles of Dental Crowns

At our dental clinic, we offer two types of dental crowns that cater to your specific needs. Dr. Ferguson, our experienced dentist, will assess your dental condition and recommend the appropriate type of crown for your case. 

The primary difference between the two types of crowns is the tooth area they cover.

Traditional Crowns

Traditional crowns provide full coverage restorations and are the most common option for restoring damaged teeth. They offer maximum support to the tooth and are ideal if a filling is not enough to treat dental decay. 

Onlays and ¾ Crowns

On the other hand, onlays and 3/4 crowns do not cover the entire tooth, and they are suitable for patients with strong tooth structures worth preserving.

Rest assured that our team at Black Point Dental in Honolulu will help you choose the best dental crown for your needs, ensuring that your teeth remain healthy and functional.

Different Types of Materials Used for Dental Crowns

The material used for your dental crown will depend on your specific dental needs and personal preferences. The most common materials used for dental crowns are ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal, gold alloy, and base metal alloy.

  • Ceramic crowns: These crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain and are popular because they can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. They are also ideal for front teeth. Same-day crowns are made from high-quality ceramic materials. 
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: These crowns are made of a metal base with a porcelain covering. They are solid and durable but may not match the color of your natural teeth as well as ceramic crowns.
  • Gold alloy crowns: These crowns are made of a mixture of gold, copper, and other metals. They are strong and durable but less aesthetically pleasing than ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
  • Base metal alloy crowns: These crowns are made of non-noble metals that are highly resistant to corrosion and are also strong and durable. They are also ideal for those with metal allergies.

Ceramic and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are popular because they can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Gold and base metal alloy crowns are strong and durable but not as aesthetically pleasing. 

Dr. Ferguson can help you determine the best material based on your specific dental needs.

Advantages of Same-Day Dental Crowns

Getting a same-day dental crown offers some distinct advantages over a traditional dental crown. These advantages include:

  • Time-saving: Same-day dental crowns eliminate the need for multiple appointments and temporary crowns, allowing the process to be completed in a single visit.
  • Convenience: Patients do not have to wait for weeks with temporary crowns or go through the inconvenience of multiple visits to the dental office.
  • Digital precision: The use of digital scanning technology ensures accurate and precise fitting of the crown.
  • Aesthetics: Same-day crowns are made from high-quality ceramic materials that closely resemble the natural color and appearance of the patient's teeth.

Aftercare for Dental Crowns

After receiving a dental crown, it's important to take proper care of the crown to ensure its longevity. Here are a few aftercare tips:

  • Brush and floss regularly to prevent decay from forming around the crown.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods that can damage the crown.
  • Wear a mouthguard if you participate in contact sports to protect the crown from damage.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure the crown is still in good condition.

Same-Day Dental Crowns in Honolulu, HI

Dental crowns are an effective solution to restore damaged, discolored, or weakened teeth. If you're experiencing dental pain or discomfort, schedule a consultation with Black Point Dental to determine if a dental crown is the best solution for your dental needs. 

Our same-day dental crown services allows us to fix your damaged tooth and place a new custom-made crown all in one visit. The new crown is, created using 3D digital scans and an in-house milling machine, and carefully placed by our dentist to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. 

We're committed to providing our patients with high-quality dental care at Black Point Dental in Honolulu, HI. Contact us today at (808) 955-5922 to schedule an appointment and learn more about how dental crowns can improve your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a same-day dental crown?

Same-day dental crowns can typically be completed in a single visit to the dentist, often within a few hours.

Are same-day dental crowns made from the same materials as traditional crowns?
Yes, same-day dental crowns are typically made from high-quality ceramic materials that closely resemble the color and appearance of natural teeth.

Are same-day dental crowns as durable as traditional crowns?

Yes, same-day dental crowns are known to be just as durable and long-lasting as traditional crowns.

Is the procedure for same-day dental crowns painful?

The procedure for same-day dental crowns is usually painless. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area, ensuring a comfortable experience for the patient.

How accurate are same-day dental crowns?

Same-day dental crowns are highly accurate due to the use of advanced digital scanning technology. This technology allows for precise measurements of the prepared tooth, resulting in a well-fitting crown.

What are the advantages of getting a same-day dental crown?

Some advantages of same-day dental crowns include time savings, convenience, accurate fitting, and immediate restoration of the tooth's function and appearance.

Can anyone get a same-day dental crown?

Same-day dental crowns are suitable for many patients; however, our dentist will evaluate each case individually to determine if this type of crown is appropriate.

How long do same-day dental crowns last?

With proper oral hygiene and regular dental care, same-day dental crowns can last for many years, similar to traditional crowns.

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