Family Restorative Dentistry

Family restorative dentistry aims to restore the functionality of damaged teeth for the whole family. It is often recommended when preventative care measures are insufficient to resolve dental issues.

The dental procedures involved in restorative care include fillings, crowns, space maintainers, extractions, and dental sealants. These treatments are tailored to each patient’s specific needs and aim to alleviate pain, improve oral health, and restore the natural function of teeth.

By working with a family dentist, such as Dr. Ferguson at Black Point Dental, you can ensure your whole family receives the best care to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Benefits of Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can have many benefits for children with damaged teeth. 

By restoring the natural function of teeth, children can eat, speak, and smile with ease. This can improve their self-confidence and social interactions. 

Restorative procedures can also alleviate pain caused by tooth decay or trauma and prevent further damage to the teeth and gums. 

Dental restorations, such as fillings, crowns, and sealants, can also help prevent cavities and decay by strengthening the teeth. 

Restorative dentistry can improve a child's oral health, well-being, and overall quality of life.

Restorative Dentistry Options At Black Point Dental

Dr. Ferguson, a renowned family dentist, offers personalized restorative dentistry options to address a range of dental needs in children. At Black Point Dental, our patients can benefit from various services, including dental fillings, crowns, space maintainers, and sealants. 

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are plastic covers that protect the chewing surfaces of teeth from acid. They are mainly used to seal the narrow grooves found in the back teeth, such as molars and premolars, to prevent the buildup of food particles and bacteria that cause cavities. 

Applying dental sealants before dental decay occurs can significantly reduce the risk of cavities and related dental decay problems. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), children aged 6-11 years with sealants experience almost three times fewer first molar cavities than those without sealants.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are the most commonly used restoration procedure to treat cavities and decay in teeth. Dr. Ferguson's team removes the damaged tissue, sanitizes the area, and fills the cavity with a durable material. 

Fillings also improve the aesthetics of teeth by matching the color of the natural teeth.

Parents can trust Dr. Ferguson to recommend the best treatment plan to restore their child's teeth, improve their self-confidence, and prevent further damage to their oral health.

Pediatric Dental Crowns

Dr. Ferguson and his team understand that dental decay and cavities are common issues that children face. In some cases, dental fillings may not be sufficient to restore the tooth's function and appearance. 

This is where pediatric dental crowns come in as an excellent alternative. They are ideal for children with large cavities or dental decay, as they prevent further complications and restore your child's beautiful smile. 

A dental crown is a custom-made tooth-shaped cap to fit over a damaged tooth. It provides complete coverage of the tooth, including the surface, and guards the visible area up to the gum line. 

Dental crowns aim to protect and restore the tooth's shape, size, and strength, ensuring it functions like a natural tooth. Dental crowns are made of high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting, ensuring that the restored tooth will last for years to come. 

Space Maintainers

In some cases, children may lose their baby teeth too early, leading to adult teeth erupting in the wrong space. This can create issues when the adult teeth are ready to come in, as there may not be enough space in the mouth due to the lost baby teeth. 

To prevent this, Dr. Ferguson suggests using space maintainers to hold the gap caused by missing teeth. Space maintainers can effectively ensure that adult teeth come in correctly and that your child's smile remains healthy and beautiful.

What to Expect During Your Child's Restorative Dental Appointment

When you take your child to Dr. Ferguson's dental private practice for a restorative dental appointment, he will first thoroughly examine your child's mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw to check for any potential problems or decay. X-rays may be taken to determine the extent of the dental issue and suggest the best course of action.

After identifying the problem, Dr. Ferguson will create a treatment plan that caters to your child's specific needs, discussing various sedation options to ensure your child's comfort and safety.

The treatment may begin immediately, or you may schedule a follow-up appointment.

Restoring Baby Teeth

At Black Point Dental, Dr. Ferguson understands the importance of restoring baby teeth. Although they will eventually be replaced, maintaining optimal oral health is vital for your child's overall well-being. 

Moreover, caring for baby teeth can prevent potential dental problems once the adult teeth come in.

Helping Children with Dental Anxiety

If your child has dental anxiety, rest assured that Dr. Ferguson and his team provide a safe and calm environment.

However, if sedation may be necessary, Dr. Ferguson will discuss the various methods available to make your child feel more comfortable during their appointment. Your child's comfort and safety are of utmost importance to us.

Family Restorative Dental Treatment in Honolulu, HI

At Black Point Dental, we treat a range of pediatric dental issues. Our goal is to help your child maintain optimal oral health throughout their life. Dr. Patrick Ferguson and the Black Point Dental team are here to address all your dental needs.

Dr. Patrick Ferguson is a member of the Hawaii Dental Association, the American Dental Association, and the American Board of Oral Implantology.

At Black Point Dental, we offer comprehensive family restorative dentistry services, including sealants, crowns, fillings, and space maintainers.

To schedule an appointment for your child, call us at (808) 955-5922 or request an appointment online. You can also visit our office in Honolulu, HI

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